Alumni Stories


Mr. and Mrs. Familia

What do you think each of your children learned from attending SOH?

El haber tenido a nuestros hijos en SOH ha dejado en cada uno de ellos una gran experiencia. Con relación a Ericka, este programa la ayudó mucho en su desarrollo social, emocional e intelectual, pues allí tuvo la oportunidad de impartir tanto materias regulares como cursos y actividades extracurriculares, y este conjunto de conocimientos la ayudó a ser mejor en todos los aspectos de su vida y por tanto tener mejores oportunidades. Estamos muy agradecidos de SOH por habernos brindado esa extraordinaria oportunidad que tanto para ella como para nosotros sus padres fue un sueño hecho realidad.

En Anthony de igual manera SOH le ha ayudado de manera sorprendente, especialmente con las clases de su escuela regular. Por ejemplo cuando le presentan un tema nuevo en cualquiera de sus materias ya lo ha aprendido en SOH, quiere decir que trae esos conocimientos por adelantado y esto le ayuda a entenderlo mejor y obtener mejores calificaciones.

Having had our children at SOH has given each of them a great experience. With regards to Ericka, the program helped her develop socially, emotionally, and intellectually, since she had the opportunity to regularly participate in the classes and extracurricular activities. This combination of knowledge helped her improve in every aspect and even opened up better opportunities for her. We are very grateful to SOH for giving us an extraordinary opportunity that for Ericka and for us has been a dream come true.

In the same way, SOH has helped Anthony in surprising ways, especially with his regular school classes. For example, whenever he learned a new topic in school, he had already learned it at SOH, which means he was able to use that advanced knowledge to better understand the material and get better grades.


2. What impact has SOH had on you as parents?

El paso de nuestros hijos por SOH nos ha marcado con una gigantesca huella a nosotros sus padres, la experiencia que hemos tenido ha sido algo inimaginable. Ese recorrido junto a nuestros hijos, maestros, directores y demás en el área del aprendizaje ha dejado una gran experiencia, les puedo decir que vale la pena soñar y que no importa las limitaciones que tengamos. “¡Si se puede!” lo importante es atreverse y siempre motivar a nuestros hijos hacia un mejor futuro. SOH es un programa que nosotros lo recomendamos a otros padres, allí los estudiantes tienen grandes oportunidades y por tanto se le abren muchas puertas. Finalmente queremos darles las gracias al programa SOH especialmente a Mr. Parker y a Ms. Mabel Rodriguez por la gran oportunidad y a nuestros hijos Ericka y Anthony por haberlo aprovechado al máximo. Somos padres afortunados, orgullosos y agradecidos.

Our children having gone through SOH has left a huge mark for us as parents. It has been an unimaginable experience. This path, together with our children, teachers, directors, and others in education, has been a great experience. I can tell you that it is worthwhile to dream and the limits we have do not exist. “Yes you can!” The important thing is to dare and always motivate our children towards a better future. SOH is a program that we would recommend to other parents because students there have great opportunities so it therefore opens so many doors. Finally, we want to give thanks to SOH, especially Mr. Parker and Ms. Rodriguez, for the great opportunity and to thank our children Ericka and Anthony for taking full advantage of the program. We are fortunate, proud, and grateful parents.

At the time this interview was conducted (2021), Ericka was a senior at Horace Mann who would attend Harvard in the fall. Her younger brother Anthony was a 9th grader at New Visions Charter High School for Advanced Math and Science.

What is your favorite memory of SOH?

Ericka: Although I have a lot of great memories from SOH, one that really stands out to me is the Outward Bound trip, where I had the opportunity to spend a weekend with my classmates in a wilderness setting. At the time, I had never been away from my family for even a few days, so it served as a way to enhance my independence, as well as an amazing bonding experience with my SOH peers. At Outward Bound, we slept in cabins, went canoeing, went rock climbing, had water balloon fights, roasted marshmallows, and most importantly, strengthened our friendships through learning more about one another. 

Anthony: My favorite memories probably came in the summer where we went swimming, and also went to the theater often. In reality, there’s too many to choose from but if I had to choose those would probably be my favorites.

In hindsight, was it worth it giving up all of those Saturdays and Summer days? Why or why not?

Ericka: In hindsight, I can say without a doubt that giving up all of those Saturdays and summer days was worth it. In fact, I would not even refer to it as “giving up,” as I wasn’t losing anything, but rather receiving incredibly valuable knowledge and experiences. SOH not only helped further my academic and intellectual skills through advanced classes that covered topics that my normal school curriculum would not cover until months or even a year later, but it was also such a genuinely supportive and caring community made up of students who were passionate about learning like myself. SOH also introduced me to many different opportunities that I cannot imagine my life today without, such as Horace Mann and the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation, which have been invaluable in my growth and success.

Anthony: It was definitely worth giving up all of those Saturday/ Summer days. Mainly because I learned many things there that my main school did not have. Furthermore, I got to meet many new people and interact with them which was very cool.

As you look forward to college, what are you most excited about? What are you most concerned about?

Ericka: In thinking about starting to attend college in the fall, I am most excited about the new communities that I will become a part of, from my dorm to cultural organizations to different clubs and programs. I am also looking forward to taking classes that align with what I’m currently interested in pursuing professionally, specifically government and public policy, while also discovering new passions. I am concerned about experiencing impostor syndrome when suddenly immersed in a completely different environment surrounded by so many brilliant and accomplished people. 

Anthony: I’m only a freshman in high school, but at the same time I know that 4 years could go by real quick. Something I look forward to are all the fields of study I could learn from. Not sure which one yet, but that’s something I really look forward to.

Beyond the academics, what is something you learned while attending SOH that is helping you in high school?

Anthony: Beyond the academics, something I’ve learned is to always be yourself. You don’t have to pretend to be another person in order to fit in, just be your own self and move along. I could say I’ve really benefited from that rule so far in high school.

Ericka: Beyond the academics, SOH taught me to really push myself to take risks and try new activities that I had never been exposed to before, from auditioning for main roles in our yearly musicals to gymnastics. This helped me immensely when I started high school at Horace Mann and was suddenly presented with dozens of clubs and activities that I could join, most of which I had never even heard of. Because of my experiences at SOH, I felt less intimidated and signed up for every club that I was even remotely interested in, even if I didn’t yet necessarily know if I would feel comfortable participating in them. Over the years, this allowed me to find activities that I am truly passionate about such as Mock Trial and the Saturday Morning Tutoring Program, both of which I lead today.


What is your favorite memory of SOH?

Joan: With so many great memories of SOH, this is quite a difficult question. However, one moment stands out just a little over the rest. One day after lunch in the 6th grade, I was playing kickball with some friends. We decided that it was probably impossible to kick the ball into the basketball hoops across the field, but we would try anyway. After my friends had gone, it was my turn. I was up at bat. The ball was coming my way and I was trying my best to aim. I kicked the ball as hard as I could and watched it fly above everyone’s heads, looking like it would curve and fall right into the basket. Instead, it decided to hit the backboard. It bounced once on the rim, and my heart stopped. It’s going in, I thought, as I watched it bounce once more. It balanced on the rim, as seconds seemingly grew into minutes and hours. Days passed by as I waited for the ball to drop into the basket. Then, with one quick motion, it picked the wrong side of the basket. It fell dejectedly and rolled back to our side of the field, as someone rushed to grab the ball and tag me out. I ran to first base and stayed there, only one thought in my head. Next time for sure.

Kevin: My favorite memory was seeing my kids on the last day of Summer on the Hill. As a mentor, I got to watch my class grow over the course of a summer as they grew not only intellectually but as people, with their own confidence growing every day through the interactions they had among their friends and teachers. It reminded me of how Summer on the Hill built up my own self-esteem over the years where I was a student!

Brandon: My favorite SOH memory was in 5A during the summer when we were able to go to a pool that we swam in for like an hour. It was very fun to swim with my friends while we were just saying dumb jokes.

Beyond the academics, what is something you learned while attending SOH that is helping you in school?

Joan: I think one of the most invaluable aspects of SOH is the greater extent of peer-to-peer interaction you get than what is provided for in school. Being a student at SOH does not only benefit academic skills, but greatly increases one’s social skills. This is especially surprising when considering that many of my closest friends were from SOH, an educational facility where you only see one another once a week.

Kevin: Summer on the Hill immersed me in one of the most socially constructive communities that I ever encountered! Every staff member was incredibly friendly and my classmates helped me grow into the person I am today. The friends that I gained in Summer on the Hill have and continue to support me in my endeavors, and I still consider them my closest friends.

Brandon: It helped me be more interactive with my friends, cause now I’m able to talk very fluently. It also helped me work with peers better because of the mentors being very kind and helpful.


Eldest brother Joan is a sophomore at Cornell. Kevin is a senior at the High School of American Studies at Lehman College and will join Joan at Cornell this fall. Brandon, a 5th grader at P.S. 24, will enter Horace Mann next school year.

In hindsight, was it worth it giving up all of those Saturdays and Summer days? Why or why not?

Joan: For sure! I’m sure countless other students around the city had their eyes glued to their TV or computer screens during those Saturdays and Summer days, yet my peers and I were likely having more real fun and learning much more than one does in Fortnite. I think just physically being with people all of those additional days did a lot for my social skills and health, and that’s before considering the fact that we had physical education while many others just sat on a chair all day.

Kevin: I can confidently say that it was - without Summer on the Hill, I would have been sitting at home doing nothing productive. SOH ignited within me a passion to learn that brought me as far as I’ve gone, and as they continue to support me, I feel like I can go infinitely far. 

Brandon: I believe that it was worth the Summer days and the Saturdays because they both helped us a lot with school. I really loved the Summer days and Saturdays also because I got to see SOH again after like 3 months in the Summer.

Mrs. Chirinos

What do you think each of your children gained from attending SOH?

My husband and I came to the USA looking for a better education and more opportunities for our children. It was hard to access a better education due the competition between children and the discrimination that minorities face in the USA.

At SOH my 3 children got the better education we were looking for, preparing them to move forward through the path of a good education.

They have been prepared not only through knowledge, but also through better values. They were also provided with preparation to take standardized tests for high school and college. Finally, they got enrichment experiences through trips and sports. 

2). What impact has SOH had on you as a parent?

As a parent of 3 children who have attended SOH, I was confident that my kids would be well prepared for school and life, growing up to be good people.

I feel confident that this program is one of the best opportunities my children ever had, and that it helped my children achieve all of their goals and dreams.
